First, what is bio-dynamic farming and how does it differ from organic farming?
Bio-dynamic farming is a further enhanced method of organic farming, one could say a bio-dynamic farmer takes sustainable, organic practices to the next level. Although ‘bio-dynamic’ is a buzz-worthy term, this method of farming is centuries old, first coined by a fellow named Rudolph Steiner who is today viewed as the grandfather of bio-dynamics![1]
Rudolph was a clever man, who outlined an entire philosophy of life. His philosophy included ways in which agriculture needed to be performed, a way for land cultivators to develop a symbolic relationship with their soil, taking the life forces and natural elements of the land into consideration. This method of farming is performed with the end goal of creating a more biologically harmonious environment with more efficient farm and animal management, leading to a sustainable practice that will ensure we are still reaping the rewards of the land for generations to come.[2]
How does a farm become Certified Bio-dynamic Organic?
Certified bio-dynamic organic farmers use a set of traditional farming techniques, following a natural and biological list of soil preparations, as well as acknowledging and working with universal and cosmic forces in farming the natural environment.
To become a certified bio-dynamic organic farm a farmer must follow strict farming practices and once ready, apply to become certified bio-dynamic organic via the Australian Certified Organic certification program which covers both bio-dynamic and organic farms. Here a Paris Creek Farms, we are committed to ensuring we are as sustainable as possible; this is why we only use milk from certified bio-dynamic organic, carbon-neutral South Australian dairy farms.
5 principles of bio-dynamic farming:
- Avoiding chemical soil fertilizers – Bio-dynamic farmers work with natural and cosmic forces to fertilize their soil in a bid to avoid the need for synthetic chemical fertilizers, this ensures soil fertility whilst considering the naturally occurring biological organisms. [3]
- Diverse crop rotation – This is the practice of planting different crops on a particular parcel of land in different seasons. This practice prevents soil diseases, insect pests and weed problems, aiding in naturally building healthy soils and crops for animal grazing. [4]
- Biodiversity preservation – Many bio-dynamic farms set aside land for biodiversity practices such as wetland development or insectaries to contribute to the ecological equilibrium.[5]
- A holistic and spiritual approach – Bio-dynamic farming has a spiritual focus, farmers believe in the human connection with the land, cultivating an environment that will improve humanity for generations to come.[6]
- Green animal manures – Soil fertility is an important component of bio-dynamic farming to grow strong crops. Green animal manure is a natural liquid fertiliser that is created by recycling farm animal and plant waste through composting using herbal bio-dynamic compost preparations to maximise nutrient recovery, this nutrient-rich liquid gold is then incorporated into the soil using bio-dynamic soil sprays and compost preparations.[7]
Why is sustainability so important?
Sustainable agricultural practices are crucially important to ensure we are protecting our environment for future generations to come.
Bio-dynamic organic farming is often considered one of the most sustainable forms of farming through preparations aimed at protecting biodiversity and the environment by fostering the growth and maintenance of healthy ecosystems.[8]
Here at Paris Creek Farms, we are committed to helping our farmers with their sustainability journey and look forward to making those next steps together.
Discover more about Paris Creek Farms’ sustainability journey here.
Listed below are some ways in which we can all make more sustainable choices in our day-to-day lives:
- Meal prepping – Meal prepping for the week ahead is a sure-fire way to reduce food wastage. Preparing your meals ahead of time will reduce the need for take-out lunches and therefore reduce the need for single-use packaging. Meal prepping can also reduce food wastage, Australian households throw out around 1 in 5 bags of groceries a year, and up to 70% of the food that is thrown out is edible! These statistics are staggering and a great example of why we should food prep our meals to reduce food wastage at the end of the week.
- Reading labels – While you’re doing your weekly grocery shopping, it’s a good idea to check the labels to see whether the product is made from recyclable materials, is produced via sustainable practices and the packaging can be recycled again, this will ensure you are choosing products created in the most sustainable way possible.
- Composting – composting is a very sustainable way to tackle any necessary food wastage, and it doesn’t have to take up much space. These days composting kits are readily available at hardware stores and easy to set up. Soon you can be composting your left-over food scrapes in no time. As a bonus, the compost juice is great for your garden!
Want to learn more about living sustainably, delicious recipes, healthy lifestyle tips and more? Then join our e-newsletter to receive our articles fortnightly straight to your inbox!
Want to learn more about sustainability? Click on the links below to view more articles from our information centre:
Bio-dynamic Vs Organic Farming – What’s the Difference?
5 Useful Ways to Re-use and Upcycle Your Left-Over Milk Bottles
What is Carbon Neutral and How You Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
[1] Biodynamics, ACO Certification LTD,
[2] How Biodynamic Farming Works: Biodynamic farming guide, Masterclass, 2021,
[3] How Biodynamic Farming Works: Biodynamic farming guide, Masterclass, 2021,
[4] Crop Rotation in Organic Farming Systems, ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture,
[5] How Biodynamic Farming Works: Biodynamic farming guide, Masterclass, 2021,
[6] How Biodynamic Farming Works: Biodynamic farming guide, Masterclass, 2021,
[7] The Essence of Biodynamic Agriculture, Biodynamic Agriculture Australia Ltd.,breakdown%20of%20materials%20into%20humus.
[8] What is Sustainable Farming and Why is it Important for our Wellbeing, OnePlate,,the%20farm%20which%20supports%20biodiversity.
[9] Food Waste Facts, Food Bank Australia, 2022,